Tuesday 20 November 2012

2.Banksy - Beggar

This piece was created by Banksy who is a graffiti artist mainly, but has created a film about his work. Banksy is a artist who prefers to keep his identity to him self and shy’s away from the public, however over time his true identity has became more open and more answers have become answered.
  What I mainly admire about banksy is that he creates his work when no one is there to see, until after he’s finished and people start to look and admire his style.
  This is my favourite piece by Banksy because its got meaning to it from the text, which says ‘ keep your coins I want change ‘. I think this text is very clever as he’s referring ‘change’ as in a change in life, and not ‘change’ as in money. I feel that this is a very clever way of sending a message to someone, and is a very powerful text. It also looks very realistic, by only using black and white colours on the man and not a lot of detail; it looks like he’s just been using a ‘positive and negative’ approach personally.
   I feel that Banksy is a very influential artist, especially this piece here, because of how he sends a message across in his own unique graffiti style.

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