Tuesday 20 November 2012

10. Jonas Bendiksen

This here was created by a photographer called Jonas Bendiksen. What I like mainly about this piece is the composition of the photo. To me it looks very graphic in a way by how straight everything is, by the lines of the building and each of the square and rectangle shapes.
  I also like the different sets of colours within the building, to me I think the bright lighting makes the photo stand out and makes it more interesting by the difference in lighting and darkness. 

9. Salvador Dali

This was a painting that I saw in Barcelona on a college trip.
   What I like about his painting is how energetic it looks by the way he uses ink in such a fast and almost rushed way, but ends up with a very detailed and clear painting in ink.
   I also love his ‘Dali’ signature the way it’s so fast and the way the ‘D’ looks like it’s splattering away, to me it looks really interesting. To me this looks like a positive and negative type of painting by the way Dali’s not used a lot of ink on it, this to me is a very clever technique.

8. Nike ( just do it )

What I like about this is not necessarily the image but the message that comes across, As its saying ‘ just do it ‘ which you have this young boy taking a pee on the wall because to me its like the dogs telling him to just do it as well by the way he is looking at the boy.
   In my opinion this is a very clever piece of graphic imagery by the message that is coming across and the image of it fitting the ‘saying’ perfectly in my view. 

7. Walt disney illustration

As a child I have always like Disney characters, especially Mickey Mouse. As I got a bit older I bought a book on how to sketch all of the Disney characters.
   I have always liked these illustration types of drawings as to me they look very sketchy, and that’s what I like. Its also a reminder of when I was small always sketching these types of characters. What I also like about these sketches is that these are the start of the cartoon; to me this shows how important sketching is, and how ideas can develop a lot further from having an idea and sketching them.

6Joan Miro – Hands flying off towards the constellations

This was also another painting I saw in Barcelona in a museum full of Joan Miro’s work.
   I really like this as to me it looks very graphic which is what I’m interested in, and I also like the splash marks, it looks a little graffiti to me, which makes it interesting with his handprints placed in various places. I also like the usage of colours he’s used, using many dark colours like the black and different shades of grey, but then adding a small amount of blue, yellow and the slightest of red to make the piece of work stand out a lot more than it would otherwise.