Thursday 30 May 2013

Foundation pieces 2012-2013

This was a graphic design project, which was to create our own typeface. I created mine based on fairly liquid squirting straight out the bottle. I edited it on Photoshop to enhance the color, and gain the contrast.

This was another graphics project, which was creating a double page spread based on the number '7'. I decided to base it on a mountain bike track in coed y brenin called the seven sisters. There are 7 vectored bikers, 7 letters in the word 'sisters', the track has been made out of 7's and also 7 different typefaces, and also there are 7 sentences describing the track on each section.

This was a print making project, which i based it on my environment, which i focused a lot on the urban side of were i live, and also the nice scenery places, to show the difference. I created a book showing my best prints, by linking thick paper strips together and joining to the end of card, and the created a holder made out of one of my prints, which can slip on and of.

This is a life drawing created by the majority of charcoal, mixed in with some colored pastels, on a orange colored piece of paper.

This was a photography project based on our trip in Barcelona with the college. The top two images are a mixture of two images layered on top of each other with the opacity changed. The middle image has been tinted slightly with a yellow, and the bottom image of the building has been created in to a silhouette.

This is some of my FMP (final major project) project. the top image is the logo i created for my step fathers business, who is a sign writer and printer. followed by his business card on the bottom image, and also a t-shirt design at the bottom to promote his business even more.

This is a book cover we had to create based on Barcelona again. I used two similar images in the background, and changed the opacity of them to make it look like there one image in a weird way.

This was a typeface exercise we did, with different letters and typefaces photocopied large, and we would draw parts of the type we like, using pastels on a large scale (A1).